Brussels geometric urban database

Within our SuaBe project, the Brussels geometric database, freely available at was augmented with information on tree position and shape from two databases, provided by and Robbe Neyns (VUB). The latter has been derived via an artificial intelligence algorithm.
A glimpse of the SuaBe Brussels geometric urban database can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 DART Nadir simulation of a district of Brussels, with trees, before retrieval of real optical properties.

SuaBe inversion algorithm

Preliminary results of the SuaBe inversion algorithm for short-waves are presented in Figure 5:

  • the left panel shows a RGB composite of Sentinel-2 observations at 10m spatial resolution of Brussels
  • the right panel displays the DART simulation with calibrated optical properties obtained via de SuaBE inversion algorithm
Figure 5 Brussels 10m images using RGB false colour composition.

Figure 6 displays SuaBe's RGB images of optical properties at 10m spatial resolution for the 4 land covers considered through the inversion.

Formal validation of the final products is yet to be conducted.
However, preliminary results presented at the first Steering Committee meeting at Belspo, 1st March in Brussels, suggests that we are in a good track and further work will allow us to consolidate and refine results. 

Figure 6 RGB images of optical properties at 10m spatial resolution for the 4 land covers
